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The Bari Coffee Table Set is a stylish and functional addition to any modern living space. Crafted from high-quality natural acacia wood, the coffee table top features a warm and inviting texture that adds a touch of natural elegance to the overall design. The sleek steel frame provides a sturdy base that adds a modern touch to the design, while also ensuring long-lasting durability. This coffee table set is versatile and can be used in both hospitality and residential settings. It includes a matching side table, providing ample surface area for display or storage.

Bari Nesting Table Set (2-Piece) Natural

SKU: 109776
  • (1) 17.9" W x 17.9" D x 20.5" H (2) 15" W x 15" D x 17.5" H
  • We will accept return(s) of any UNOPENED PRODUCT, THAT IS IN ORIGINAL PACKAGING with 30% RESTOCKING FEE within 30 days of the DELIVERY DATE for credit towards your account. We DO NOT provide payment for RETURN SHIPPING except for defects or order processing irregularities- on a preapproved basis.

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