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Indulge in superior comfort and style with the Livorno Dining Chair. Embraced by plush teddy fabric and supported by a chic black steel frame, this chair embodies contemporary sophistication and enduring charm. Its generously proportioned, cozy design makes it a perfect fit for any room, while its versatile aesthetic effortlessly enhances both deco and modern interiors. Elevate your seating experience with the Livorno Chair, where opulence and adaptability converge seamlessly.

Livorno Dining Chair Ivory

מק"ט: 110104
  • 18.9" W x 22.8" D x 31.1" H
  • We will accept return(s) of any UNOPENED PRODUCT, THAT IS IN ORIGINAL PACKAGING with 30% RESTOCKING FEE within 30 days of the DELIVERY DATE for credit towards your account. We DO NOT provide payment for RETURN SHIPPING except for defects or order processing irregularities- on a preapproved basis.

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תודה שקנית איתנו! אתה עוזר להפוך את העולם למקום טוב יותר ברכישתך, מכיוון שאנו תורמים 5% מההכנסה הנקייה הכוללת שלנו לפרויקט העונש . הנושאים הם:

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