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Introducing the Sisal Counter Stool, a sleek and durable addition to any modern kitchen or dining area. Designed for both style and functionality, this stool is perfect for residential or commercial settings. It features a robust steel frame, providing a sturdy and long-lasting base with a contemporary flair. The seat is upholstered in high-quality performance fabric, offering both comfort and resilience against everyday wear and tear. The combination of the steel frame and performance fabric makes the Sisal Counter Stool an ideal choice for busy environments, ensuring it remains a stylish and comfortable seating option for years to come. Whether you're enjoying a quick breakfast or hosting a casual gathering, the Sisal Counter Stool is sure to elevate your space with its modern elegance and practical design.

Sisal Counter Stool (Set of 2) Beige Tweed

SKU: 110096
  • 17.3" W x 15.7" D x 30.5" H
  • We will accept return(s) of any UNOPENED PRODUCT, THAT IS IN ORIGINAL PACKAGING with 30% RESTOCKING FEE within 30 days of the DELIVERY DATE for credit towards your account. We DO NOT provide payment for RETURN SHIPPING except for defects or order processing irregularities- on a preapproved basis.

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Vi er glade for å kunne si at vi støtter The Sentencing Project, et Washington, DC-basert forsknings- og advokatsenter som jobber for avskillelse eller for å redusere bruken av fengsling i USA og for å takle rasemessige forskjeller i strafferettssystemet.

Takk for at du handlet hos oss! Du er med på å gjøre verden til et bedre sted med kjøpet ditt, fordi vi donerer 5% av vår totale nettoinntekt til The Sentencing Project . Problemene er:

</s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s>

  • Straffutmålingspolitikk

  • Fengsling

  • Narkotikapolitikk

  • Raseforskjell

  • Juvenile Justice

  • Kvinner

  • Stemmerettigheter

  • Sivile konsekvenser

  • Kampanje for å få slutt på fengsel i livet

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